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    7 Chakra Stone with 7 Chakra sign set

    The 7 Chakra Tumble Gem Stone Set features round-shaped gemstones for each of the seven chakras, designed to restore balance, heal chakra imbalances, and promote spiritual well-being.
    SKU: HEL-015
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    The 7 Chakra Tumble Gem Stone Set (Round Shape) is a powerful tool designed to help heal chakra imbalances and promote energy balance throughout your body. This set includes seven gemstones, each corresponding to one of the seven chakras, and is crafted in a smooth round shape for easy handling during meditation or energy work. Each stone serves as a natural healer, aiding in emotional, physical, and spiritual healing by helping to restore balance to the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakras. Whether used for meditation, chakra balancing, or simply carried with you, this set encourages positive energy flow, inner peace, and holistic healing.


    7 Chakra Stone with 7 Chakra sign set