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    Carnelian Pyramid

    Boost your motivation and vitality with the Carnelian Pyramid. Measuring 25mm to 28mm, this pyramid enhances creativity, energy flow, and personal strength.
    SKU: HEL-076
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    The Carnelian Pyramid is a powerful tool for enhancing motivation, vitality, and creativity. With a size of 25mm to 28mm, this pyramid is crafted from Carnelian, a stone known for its ability to stimulate the sacral chakra, boost personal strength, and increase energy flow throughout the body. Carnelian encourages confidence, action, and determination, making it ideal for anyone seeking to improve their creativity, productivity, or overall vitality. This pyramid shape amplifies the stone's energy, making it perfect for your workspace, meditation space, or energy-healing environment to promote positive energy, passion, and empowerment.

    Carnelian  Pyramid

    Size: 25mm to 28mm


    Carnelian Pyramid

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