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    Metatron's Cube Pendant

    Pendant Metatron's Cube. Gem Stone Painting Pendant
    SKU: GMP-005
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    Pendant made with ancient art of Gem Stone Painting. Very high quality product.

    Sold by Piece, assorted color

    This is one of Sacred Geometry Pendants.

    As per Wikipedia following is the details of the geometry

    The name of Metatron's Cube makes reference to Metatron, an angel mentioned in apocryphal texts including the Second Book of Enoch and the Book of the Palaces. These texts rank Metatron second only to the Abrahamic God in the hierarchy of spiritual beings. The derivation of Metatron's cube from the tree of life, which the Talmud clearly states was excluded from human experience during the exile from Eden, has led some scholars (including Johann Andreas Eisenmenger) to portray Metatron as the means by which humanity was given knowledge of YHVH; presumably implying that study of Metatron's cube would be necessary to understanding the tree of life.


    Metatrons Cube Pendant