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    Sahasrara Pendant

    Sahasrara Pendant. Gem Stone Painting Pendant
    SKU: GMP-013
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    Pendant made with ancient art of Gem Stone Painting. Very high quality product.

    Sold by Piece, assorted color

    This is one of Sacred Pendants.

    The Sahasrara Chakra symbolises detachment from illusion; an essential element in obtaining higher consciousness of the truth that one is all and all is one.

    Often referred to as a thousand-petaled lotus, it is said to be the most subtle chakra in the system, relating to pure consciousness, and it is from this chakra that all the other chakras emanate. When a yogi is able to raise his/her kundalini, energy of consciousness, up to this point, the state of Nirvikalpa Samādhi is experienced.

    This stage is said to bring about rebirth or the siddhis - occult powers of transforming into the divine, and being able to do whatever one wishes.


    Sahasrara Pendant